Welcome to Kushwah-Maurya website.

Here you will find all latest news, history and current affairs of the Kushwah-Maurya community and more.

Kushwah-Maurya community has long history dated back from 20th Century EC.

Kushwaha is basically a part of the larger Hindu community. It has a golden past and glorious history. Kushwaha is seen today into the mainstream of development and becoming a political power. Today, Kushwaha officers are working in different parts of the country and are becoming an example of honesty.

Kushwahas are mainly a caste of Hindu society who consider Jamvay Mata as their family deity. Traditionally, they were skilled farmers, their main work apart from farming was bee-keeping and animal husbandry. Among these, Saini, Shakya and Maurya are also considered under Kushwaha. Mainly their residence area is Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh.

Due to being socially and educationally backward, Kushwaha community has been kept under reservation. In Bihar, Kushwahas have been kept under 'Other Backward Classes'. In the year 2013, the Haryana government included Kushwaha, Koeri and Maurya as backward castes.